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- *usr_30.txt* For Vim version 6.0. Last change: 2001 Sep 03
- VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
- Editing programs
- Vim has various commands that aid in writing computer programs. Compile a
- program and directly jump to reported errors. Automatically set the indent
- for many languages and format comments.
- |30.1| Compiling
- |30.2| Indenting C files
- |30.3| Automatic indenting
- |30.4| Other indenting
- |30.5| Tabs and spaces
- |30.6| Formatting comments
- Next chapter: |usr_31.txt| Exploiting the GUI
- Previous chapter: |usr_29.txt| Moving through programs
- Table of contents: |usr_toc.txt|
- ==============================================================================
- *30.1* Compiling
- Vim has a set of so called "quickfix" commands. They enable you to compile a
- program from within Vim and then go through the errors generated and fix them
- (hopefully). You can then recompile and fix any new errors that are found
- until finally your program compiles without any error.
- The following command runs the program "make" (supplying it with any argument
- you give) and captures the results: >
- :make {arguments}
- If errors were generated, they are captured and the editor positions you where
- the first error occurred.
- Take a look at an example ":make" session. (Typical :make sessions generate
- far more errors and fewer stupid ones.) After typing ":make" the screen looks
- like this:
- :!make | &tee /tmp/vim215953.err ~
- gcc -g -Wall -o prog main.c sub.c ~
- main.c: In function 'main': ~
- main.c:6: too many arguments to function 'do_sub' ~
- main.c: At top level: ~
- main.c:10: parse error before '}' ~
- make: *** [prog] Error 1 ~
- 2 returned ~
- "main.c" 11L, 111C ~
- (3 of 6): too many arguments to function 'do_sub' ~
- Hit ENTER or type command to continue ~
- From this you can see that you have errors in the file "main.c". When you
- press Enter, Vim displays the file "main.c", with the cursor positioned on
- line 6, the first line with an error. You did not need to specify the file or
- the line number, Vim knew where to go by looking in the error messages.
- +---------------------------------------------------+
- |int main() |
- |{ |
- | int i=3; |
- cursor -> | do_sub("foo"); |
- | ++i; |
- | return (0); |
- |} |
- |} |
- | ~ |
- |(3 of 12): too many arguments to function 'do_sub' |
- +---------------------------------------------------+
- The following command goes to where the next error occurs: >
- :cnext
- Vim jumps to line 10, the last line in the file, where there is an extra '}'.
- When there is not enough room, Vim will shorten the error message. To see
- the whole message use: >
- :cc
- You can get an overview of all the error messages with the ":clist" command.
- The output looks like this: >
- :clist
- < 3 main.c: 6:too many arguments to function 'do_sub' ~
- 5 main.c: 10:parse error before '}' ~
- Only the lines where Vim recognized a file name and line number are listed
- here. It assumes those are the interesting lines and the rest is just boring
- messages. However, sometimes unrecognized lines do contain something you want
- to see. Output from the linker, for example, about an undefined function.
- To see all the messages add a "!" to the command: >
- :clist!
- < 1 gcc -g -Wall -o prog main.c sub.c ~
- 2 main.c: In function 'main': ~
- 3 main.c:6: too many arguments to function 'do_sub' ~
- 4 main.c: At top level: ~
- 5 main.c:10: parse error before '}' ~
- 6 make: *** [prog] Error 1 ~
- Vim will highlight the current error. To go back to the previous error, use:
- >
- :cprevious
- Other commands to move around in the error list:
- :cfirst to first error
- :clast to last error
- :cc 3 to error nr 3
- The name of the program to run when the ":make" command is executed is defined
- by the 'makeprg' option. Usually this is set to "make", but Visual C++ users
- should set this to "nmake" by executing the following command: >
- :set makeprg=nmake
- You can also include arguments in this option. Special characters need to
- be escaped with a backslash. Example: >
- :set makeprg=nmake\ -f\ project.mak
- You can include special Vim keywords in the command specification. The %
- character expands to the name of the current file. So if you execute the
- command: >
- :set makeprg=make\ %
- When you are editing main,c, then ":make" executes the following command: >
- make main.c
- This is not too useful, so you will refine the command a little and use the :r
- (root) modifier: >
- :set makeprg=make\ %:r.o
- Now the command executed is as follows: >
- make file.o
- More about these modifiers here: |filename-modifiers|.
- Suppose you ":make" a program. There is an warning message in one file and an
- error message in another. You fix the error and use ":make" again to check if
- it was really fixed. Now you want to look at the warning message. It doesn't
- show up in the last error list, since the file with the warning wasn't
- compiled again. You can go back to the previous error list with: >
- :colder
- Then use ":clist" and "cc {nr}" to jump to the place with the warning.
- To go forward to the next error list: >
- :cnewer
- Vim remembers ten error lists.
- You have to tell Vim what format the error messages are that your compiler
- produces. This is done with the 'errorformat' option. The syntax of this
- option is quite complicated and it can be made to fit almost any compiler.
- You can find the explanation here: |errorformat|.
- You might be using various different compilers. Setting the 'makeprg' option,
- and especially the 'errorformat' each time is not easy. Vim offers a simple
- method for this. For example, to switch to using the Microsoft Visual C++
- compiler: >
- :compiler msvc
- This will find the Vim script for the "msvc" compiler and set the appropriate
- options.
- You can write your own compiler files. See |write-compiler-plugin|.
- The ":make" command redirects the output of the executed program to an error
- file. How this works depends on various things, such as the 'shell'. If your
- ":make" command doesn't capture the output, check the 'makeef' and
- 'shellredir' options. The 'shellquote' and 'shellxquote' options might also
- matter.
- In case you can't get ":make" to redirect the file for you, an alternative is
- to compile the program in another window and redirect the output into a file.
- Then have Vim read this file with: >
- :cfile {filename}
- Jumping to errors will work like with the ":make" command.
- ==============================================================================
- *30.2* Indenting C files
- A program is much easier to understand when the lines have been properly
- indented. Vim offers various ways to make this less work.
- For C programs set the 'cindent' option. Vim knows a lot about C programs
- and will try very hard to automatically set the indent for you. Set the
- 'shiftwidth' option to the amount of spaces you want for a deeper level. Four
- spaces will work fine. One ":set" command will do it: >
- :set cindent shiftwidth=4
- With this option enabled, when you type something such as "if (x)", the next
- line will automatically be indented an additional level.
- if (flag)
- Automatic indent ---> do_the_work();
- Automatic unindent <-- if (other_flag) {
- Automatic indent ---> do_file();
- keep indent do_some_more();
- Automatic unindent <-- }
- When you type something in curly braces ({}), the text will be indented at the
- start and unindented at the end. The unindenting will happen after typing the
- '}', since Vim can't guess what you are going to type.
- One side effect of automatic indentation is that it helps you catch errors in
- your code early. When you type a } to finish a function, only to find that
- the automatic indentation gives it more indent than what you expected, there
- is probably a } missing. Use the "%" command to find out which { matches the
- } you typed.
- A missing ) and ; also cause extra indent. Thus if you get more white
- space than you would expect, check the preceding lines.
- When you have code that is badly formatted, or you inserted and deleted lines,
- you need to re-indent the lines. The "=" operator does this. The simplest
- form is: >
- ==
- This indents the current line. Like with all operators, there are three ways
- to use it. In Visual mode "=" indents the selected lines. A useful text
- object is "a{" This selects the current {} block. Thus, to re-indent the
- code code block the cursor is in: >
- =a{
- I you have really badly indented code, you can re-indent the whole file with:
- >
- gg=G
- However, don't do this in files that have been carefully indented manually.
- The automatic indenting does a good job, but in some situations you might want
- to overrule it.
- Different people have different styles of indentation. By default Vim does a
- pretty good job of indenting in a way that 90% of programmers do. There are
- different styles, however; so if you want to, you can customize the
- indentation style with the 'cinoptions' option.
- By default 'cinoptions' is empty and Vim uses the default style. You can
- add various items where you want something different. For example, to make
- curly braces be placed like this:
- if (flag) ~
- { ~
- i = 8; ~
- j = 0; ~
- } ~
- Use this command: >
- :set cinoptions+={2
- There are many of these items. See |cinoptions-values|.
- ==============================================================================
- *30.3* Automatic indenting
- You don't want to switch on the 'cindent' option manually every time you edit
- a C file. This is how you make it work automatically: >
- :filetype indent on
- Actually, this does a lot more than switching on 'cindent' for C files. First
- of all, it enables detecting the type of a file. That's the same as what is
- used for syntax highlighting.
- When the filetype is known, Vim will search for an indent file for this
- type of file. The Vim distribution includes a number of these for various
- programming languages. This indent file will then prepare for automatic
- indenting specifically for this file.
- If you don't like the automatic indenting, you can switch it off again: >
- :filetype indent off
- If you don't like the indenting for one specific type of file, this is how you
- avoid it. Create a file with just this one line: >
- :let b:did_indent = 1
- Now you need to write this in a file with a specific name:
- {directory}/indent/{filetype}.vim
- The {filetype} is the name of the file type, such as "cpp" or "java". You can
- see the exact name that Vim detected with this command: >
- :set filetype
- In this file the output is:
- filetype=help ~
- This you would use "help" for {filetype}.
- For the {directory} part you need to use your runtime directory. Look at
- the output of this command: >
- set runtimepath
- Now use the first item, the name before the first comma. Thus if the output
- looks like this:
- runtimepath=~/.vim,/usr/local/share/vim/vim60/runtime,~/.vim/after ~
- You use "~/.vim" for {directory}. Then the resulting file name is:
- ~/.vim/indent/help.vim ~
- Instead of switching the indenting off, you could write your own indent file.
- How to do that is explained here: |indent-expression|.
- ==============================================================================
- *30.4* Other indenting
- The most simple form of automatic indenting is with the 'autoindent' option.
- It uses the indent from the previous line. A bit smarter is the 'smartindent'
- option. This is useful for languages where no indent file is available.
- 'smartindent'is not as smart as 'cindent', but smarter than 'autoindent'.
- With 'smartindent' set, an extra level of indentation is added for each {
- and removed for each }. An extra level of indentation will also be added for
- any of the words in the 'cinwords' option. Lines that begin with # are
- treated specially: all indentation is removed. This is done so that
- preprocessor directives will all start in column 1. The indentation is
- restored for the next line.
- When you are using 'autoindent' or 'smartindent' to get the indent of the
- previous line, there will be many times when you need to add or remove one
- 'shiftwidth' worth of indent. A quick way to do this is using the CTRL-D and
- CTRL-T commands in Insert mode.
- For example, you are typing a shell script that is supposed to look like
- this:
- if test -n a; then ~
- echo a ~
- echo "-------" ~
- fi ~
- Start off by setting these option: >
- :set autoindent shiftwidth=3
- You start by typing the first line, <Enter> and the start of the second line:
- if test -n a; then ~
- echo ~
- Now you see that you need an extra indent. Type CTRL-T. The result:
- if test -n a; then ~
- echo ~
- The CTRL-T command, in Insert mode, adds one 'shiftwidth' to the indent, no
- matter where in the line you are.
- You continue typing the second line, <Enter> and the third line. This time
- the indent is OK. Then <Enter> and the last line. Now you have this:
- if test -n a; then ~
- echo a ~
- echo "-------" ~
- fi ~
- To remove the superfluous indent in the last line press CTRL-D. This deletes
- one 'shiftwidth' worth of indent, no matter where you are in the line.
- When you are in Normal mode, you can use the ">>" and "<<" commands to
- shift lines. ">" and "<" are operators, thus you have the usual three ways to
- specify the lines you want to indent. A useful combination is: >
- >i{
- This adds one indent to the current block of lines, inside {}. The { and }
- lines themselves are left unmodified. ">a{" includes them. In this example
- the cursor is on "printf":
- original text after ">i{" after ">a{"
- if (flag) if (flag) if (flag) ~
- { { { ~
- printf("yes"); printf("yes"); printf("yes"); ~
- flag = 0; flag = 0; flag = 0; ~
- } } } ~
- ==============================================================================
- *30.5* Tabs and spaces
- 'tabstop' is set to eight by default. Although you can change it, you quickly
- run into trouble later. Other programs won't know what tabstop value you
- used. They probably use the default value of eight, and your text suddenly
- looks very different. Also, most printers use a fixed tabstop value of eight.
- Thus it's best to keep 'tabstop' alone. (If you edit a file which was written
- with a different tabstop setting, see |25.3| for how to fix that.)
- For indenting lines in a program, using a multiple of eight spaces makes
- you quickly run into the right border of the window. Using a single space
- doesn't provide enough visual difference. Many people prefer to use four
- spaces, a good compromise.
- Since a <Tab> is eight spaces and you want to use an indent of four spaces,
- you can't use a <Tab> character to make your indent. There are two ways to
- handle this:
- 1. Use a mix of <Tab> and space characters. Since a <Tab> takes the place of
- eight spaces, you have fewer characters in your file. Inserting a <Tab>
- is quicker than eight spaces. Backspacing works faster as well.
- 2. Use spaces only. This avoids the trouble with programs that use a
- different tabstop value.
- Fortunately, Vim supports both methods quite well.
- If you are using a combination of tabs and spaces, you just edit normally.
- The Vim defaults do a fine job of handling things.
- You can make life a little easier by setting the 'softtabstop' option.
- This option tells Vim to make the Tab key look and feel as if tabs were set at
- the value of 'softtabstop', but actually use a combination of tabs and spaces.
- After you execute the following command, every time you press the Tab key
- the cursor moves to the next 4-column boundary: >
- :set softtabstop=4
- When you start in the first column and press <Tab>, you get 4 spaces inserted
- in your text. The second time, Vim takes out the 4 spaces and puts in a <Tab>
- (thus taking you to column 8). Thus Vim uses as many <Tab>s as possible, and
- then fills up with spaces.
- When backspacing it works the other way around. A <BS> will always delete
- the amount specified with 'softtabstop'. Then <Tabs> are used as many as
- possible and spaces to fill the gap.
- The following shows what happens pressing <Tab> a few times, and then using
- <BS>. A "." stands for a space and "------->" for a <Tab>.
- type result ~
- <Tab> ....
- <Tab><Tab> ------->
- <Tab><Tab><Tab> ------->....
- <Tab><Tab><Tab><BS> ------->
- <Tab><Tab><Tab><BS><BS> ....
- An alternative is to use the 'smarttab' option. When it's set, Vim uses
- 'shiftwidth' for a <Tab> typed in the indent of a line, and a real <Tab> when
- typed after the first non-blank character. However, <BS> doesn't work like
- with 'softtabstop'.
- If you want absolutely no tabs in your file, you can set the 'expandtab'
- option: >
- :set expandtab
- When this option is set, the <Tab> key inserts a series of spaces. Thus you
- get the same amount of white space as if a <Tab> character was inserted, but
- there isn't a real <Tab> character in your file.
- The backspace key will delete each space by itself. Thus after typing one
- <Tab> you have to press the <BS> key up to eight times to undo it. If you are
- in the indent, pressing CTRL-D will be a lot quicker.
- Setting 'expandtab' does not affect any existing tabs. In other words, any
- tabs in the document remain tabs. If you want to convert tabs to spaces, use
- the ":retab" command. Use these commands: >
- :set expandtab
- :%retab
- Now Vim will have changed all indents to use spaces instead of tabs. However,
- all tabs that come after a non-blank character are kept. If you want these to
- be converted as well, add a !: >
- :%retab!
- This is a little bit dangerous, because it can also change tabs inside a
- string. To check if these exist, you could use this: >
- /"[^"\t]*\t[^"]*"
- It's recommended not to use hard tabs inside a string. Replace them with
- "\t" to avoid trouble.
- The other way around works just as well: >
- :set noexpandtab
- :%retab!
- ==============================================================================
- *30.6* Formatting comments
- One of the great things about Vim is that it understands comments. You can
- ask Vim to format a comment and it will do the right thing.
- Suppose, for example, that you have the following comment:
- /* ~
- * This is a test ~
- * of the text formatting. ~
- */ ~
- You then ask Vim to format it by positioning the cursor at the start of the
- comment and type: >
- gq]/
- "gq" is the operator to format text. "]/" is the motion that takes you to the
- end of a comment. The result is:
- /* ~
- * This is a test of the text formatting. ~
- */ ~
- Notice that Vim properly handled the beginning of each line.
- An alternative is to select the text that is to be formatted in Visual mode
- and type "gq".
- To add a new line to the comment, position the cursor on the middle line and
- press "o". The result looks like this:
- /* ~
- * This is a test of the text formatting. ~
- * ~
- */ ~
- Vim has automatically inserted a star and a space for you. Now you can type
- the comment text. When it gets longer than 'textwidth', Vim will break the
- line. Again, the star is inserted automatically:
- /* ~
- * This is a test of the text formatting. ~
- * Typing a lot of text here will make Vim ~
- * break ~
- */ ~
- For this to work some flags must be present in 'formatoptions':
- r insert the star when typing <Enter> in Insert mode
- o insert the star when using "o" or "O" in Normal mode
- c break comment text according to 'textwidth'
- See |fo-table| for more flags.
- The 'comments' option defines what a comment looks like. Vim distinguishes
- between a single-line comment and a comment that has a different start, end
- and middle part.
- Many single-line comments start with a specific character. In C++ // is
- used, in Makefiles #, in Vim scripts ". For example, to make Vim understand
- C++ comments: >
- :set comments=://
- The colon separates the flags of an item from the text by which the comment is
- recognized. The general form of an item in 'comments' is:
- {flags}:{text}
- The {flags} part can be empty, as in this case.
- Several of these items can be concatenated, separated by commas. This
- allows recognizing different types of comments at the same time. For example,
- let's edit an e-mail message. When replying, the text that others wrote is
- preceded with ">" and "!" characters. This command would work: >
- :set comments=n:>,n:!
- There are two items, one for comments starting with ">" and one for comments
- that start with "!". Both use the flag "n". This means that these comments
- nest. Thus a line starting with ">" may have another comment after the ">".
- This allows formatting a message like this:
- > ! Did you see that site? ~
- > ! It looks really great. ~
- > I don't like it. The ~
- > colors are terrible. ~
- What is the URL of that ~
- site? ~
- Try setting 'textwidth' to a different value, e.g., 80, and format the text by
- Visually selecting it and typing "gq". The result is:
- > ! Did you see that site? It looks really great. ~
- > I don't like it. The colors are terrible. ~
- What is the URL of that site? ~
- You will notice that Vim did not move text from one type of comment to
- another. The "I" in the second line would have fit at the end of the first
- line, but since that line starts with "> !" and the second line with ">", Vim
- knows that this is a different kind of comment.
- A C comment starts with "/*", has "*" in the middle and "*/" at the end. The
- entry in 'comments' for this looks like this: >
- :set comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/
- The start is defined with "s1:/*". The "s" indicates the start of a
- three-piece comment. The colon separates the flags from the text by which the
- comment is recognized: "/*". There is one flag: "1". This tells Vim that the
- middle part has an offset of one space.
- The middle part "mb:*" starts with "m", which indicates it is a middle
- part. The "b" flag means that a blank must follow the text. Otherwise Vim
- would consider text like "*pointer" also to be the middle of a comment.
- The end part "ex:*/" has the "e" for indentification. The "x" flag has a
- special meaning. It means that after Vim automatically inserted a star,
- typing / will remove the extra space.
- For more details see |format-comments|.
- ==============================================================================
- Next chapter: |usr_31.txt| Exploiting the GUI
- Copyright: see |manual-copyright| vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: